Premier Select Sires proudly partners with Zoetis™, the largest global animal health company, to bring Premier members CLARIFIDE® and CLARIFIDE® Plus genetic testing for dairy cattle, and INHERIT Select™ and INHERIT Connect™ genetic testing for beef cattle. Premier representatives can educate and assist member-customers with proper sample collection, submission, and interpretation to help producers maximize the benefits of Zoetis genetic testing.
Zoetis Genetic Testing
The CLARIFIDE genomic test delivers reliable predictions from the Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) of genetic merit in Holsteins, Jerseys, Brown Swiss, and Guernseys by utilizing DNA-marker technology. Providing a lifetime of information early in life, it enables producers to make confident selection decisions for a more valuable dairy herd. CLARIFIDE genetic test results include data on more than 30 health and type traits, composite indexes, genetic conditions, and haplotypes.
The first commercially available dairy genetic evaluation of its kind, CLARIFIDE® Plus uses the Dairy Wellness Profit Index® (DWP$®) to account for traits that affect health, fertility, performance, and lifetime profit of Holstein and Jersey calves and cows. DWP$ incorporates insights on common dairy health challenges including mastitis, lameness, metritis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum, ketosis, cow respiratory disease, and milk fever. By accounting for fertility traits (cow abortion, cystic ovaries, and twinning), it allows for more informed rankings to increase potential lifetime profitability. The Calf Wellness Index™ (CW$™) is also a key contributor to DWP$, and by including calf livability, calf respiratory disease, and calf scours, it estimates the difference in expected lifetime profit associated with risk of calfhood disease.
INHERIT Select™ is a genomic test for commercial replacement females (heifers and cows) that provides Genomic Expected Progeny Differences (GEPD) and Percentile Rankings for sixteen traits and three economic indexes, as well as sire parentage and genomic approximations of breed composition, to collectively enable more informed selection, breeding, and marketing decisions.

INHERIT Connect™ is for INHERIT Select customers who may have portions of their bull battery that do not have HD50K genotypes included in the genetic evaluations. It helps determine parentage for heifers tested with INHERIT Select. With INHERIT Connect, commercial cow-calf producers can connect candidate sires to tested daughters, connect sires and daughters to other genotyped animals in the evaluation, and enable more complete sire determination across groups of tested heifers.
®CLARIFIDE, CLARIFIDE Plus, INHERIT Select, INHERIT Connect, Dairy Wellness Profit Index, DWP$, Wellness Trait Index, and WT$ are registered trademarks of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or licensor. ™Zoetis, Calf Wellness Index, and CW$ are trademarks of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or licensor.